Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First 6 weeks...milestones

4 weeks - We noticed today that she is really good at holding her head up. When she lays on Mommy's belly she will keep her head up by herself.

4 weeks - we took out her exercise mat. She loves her singing star!

5 weeks - Penny found her voice! Especially when she's laying on her exercise mat, she "talks" to the singing star. So far we've heard things like "Ahhh!" and "Ah goo".

6 weeks - first smile. she was sitting in her swing, and she smiled at me! Her second smile was at Grandma while she was changing Penny's diaper. Daddy is still waiting for his smile!

6 weeks - Penny decided that it is time to start pooping once a day, or every other day. Not 4 or 5 times a day like when she was first born!

6 weeks - Penny has been "binking herself to sleep". That's Jason and my term for when we put her down drowsy, but not alseep, and she sucks her binky until she falls asleep. So far she's been really good at it!

Friday, January 25, 2008

First smile?

Our little Penny is growing up...and hitting her milestones!

Just today Penny was sitting in her swing, and I went over to say hi. To my surprise, my little baby girl greeted me with a huge, wide open mouth smile!!! I ran to get the camera thinking she will do it again, but she must have some of Daddy's subborn streak because I didn't get a repeat performance. I did get a few cute pictures of her AFTER she smiled!

Oh well, maybe next time....

Exercise mat

Starting at about 4 weeks, we decided to try out Penny on her exercise mat. Well, wouldn't you know that our little girl LOVES it! At first she wasn't sure what to make of it, but once she got used to the "singing star" and all of the hanging toys, she became a big fan.

Daddy is also a big fan of playing with her on the mat. He's really good at shaking the rattle and having her follow it with her eyes.

Not surprising, our cats are big fans of the mat too....they seem to think every baby toy is theirs also!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Penny week 3

Week #3 meant more fun for little Penny!

Grandma, Nana, and Bonnie spent a few days with Penny, and Penny got her first bath. Grandma was a great helper, and Bonnie did a great job with the picture taking. Penny didn't cry or fuss at all...until the end. I think she liked being in the warm water, but didn't like it when we took her out.

Penny had another weight check, and the good news is, she gained weight! We have been supplementing her with formula for about 4 days, and in that time her weight went from 6lb 15oz up to 7lb 4oz. I guess all she needed was a few extra calories from the formula. She has another weight check in about a week, and we're hoping she'll be close to her birth weight. Think heavy!

New Year's Eve was yet another first for Penny...she spent the night with Mommy and Daddy at Aunite Kel and Uncle Smitty's house. We had an awesome night of filet mignon and lobster tails, and Auntie Em and Uncle Danny joined us too. Penny decided to stay awake until about 11:55, at which point Mommy and Daddy put her to bed, and almost missed the ball drop! But we got back downstairs just in time, with about 10 seconds to spare.

Penny's 3 weeks birthday (Thursday) was a busy day. We made our Weichert debut at my annual meeting, and of course Penny was a big hit! She slept in her car seat the whole time, but of course the ladies wanted to hold her before we left. She was very good being passed around from person to person. After our meeting we went right to the hospital for our weekly Mom's Club meeting (it was our first time going). The club is for moms and babies under 6 months. Penny was the youngest one there, and we had a great time meeting other families. Penny was one of the most well behaved babies there!

Penny is more alert now, and likes to make eye contact - especially when breastfeeding. She likes to be held either on a shoulder, or sitting on a lap facing out. I guess she doesn't like to miss the action. She slept through the night on Wednesday (from midnight to 8am), but that was the only time she's done that. Otherwise she goes to sleep around midnight, wakes up at 3 or 4 to eat, then sleeps until 7ish. Not a bad schedule...let's hope she keeps it up!

This week Daddy goes back to work for good, so night time feedings will have to be with Mommy from now on. Although Daddy loves his little girl, I think he secretly likes being at work without fussy baby. Geez, I never thought I'd say that Jason actually LIKES to be at work!