Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy birthday, Penny!

Yesterday Penny had her 2 month old checkup with Doc Douvris. She was 9lbs 10oz (25th percentile), 22'' (25th percentile) and her head was...actually, I forget how many inches her head was, but I know it was in the 50th percentile! So it looks like she is going to be short, slim, and VERY smart!

Some milestones so far:

- Penny is now "talking". She will sit on the couch and look in my eyes and we will chat. She make sounds like "ah goo" and "ahhhh" and repeat them back when you say them to her.

- Penny is sleeping 4 - 6 hours at a clip at night. Last night she slept from 11pm - 7:30am! I think that may have had something to do with her getting her vaccinations (maybe they made her sleepy?) but I'm still happy she slept so much.

- Speaking of vaccinations, Penny got her shots yesterday like a big girl. That night she had flushed cheeks and was sleepier than usual, so we think she had a slight fever. We gave her some Tylenol and she was fine.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Penny on her exercise mat

Penny LOVES her exercise mat! We took it out when she was about 4 weeks old, and right away she fell in love. She will spend up to a half an hour laying content on it (which is a long time...usually after staying on one place for 10 minutes she either falls asleep or wants to be moved!)

Her favorite part of the mat is her "singing star". She loves to look up at the star and watch it change colors and play music. Sometimes she will even try to talk back to it.

Her other favorite toy is the red robin. Just recently she started reaching for it! One day soon I'm sure she will be able to grab it.