Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! (part 2)

I don't think it was possible for Penny to have any more fun than she did on her first trick-or-treating trip! And yes, Mommy and Daddy had a great time too :)

Our trip started with everyone mustering up at our house...and by everyone I mean:

Me, Jason, Penny,
Grammy (Koskulics), Nana
Auntie Kel, Uncle Smit, TJ, Kayla, Grandma Khoury
Nina, Frank
Denise, George, Aidan, Kylin, Paige, and Grandma Somers

Yes, you counted correctly...that's 18 people! We had quite a group. And we had a blast.

Enjoy our pictures of the day; maybe next year there will be a few more additions?

Happy Halloween! (part one)

Penny's first Halloween was full of excitement, playdates, and lots of fun! We started our "Halloween week" (because, let's be honest...pretty much everything in my/Penny's life will be celebrated to the fullest - and longest) with a playdate. Our usual group of babies included Penny, Brooklyn, Frank, and the twins Cooper and Jackson. Penny has been growing up with these kids since they were literally in the womb.

Part 2 of our Halloween celebration was a visit to my Weichert office, where Penny is the unofficial office mascot. Auntie Kathleen made her a little trick-or-treat bag, full of books, toys, and animal crackers. What a lucky baby!

Penny had a great time playing with Sharon on the floor.

And of course, Auntie Kathleen spoiled her little princess!

Part 2 of the Halloween installment will be coming soon...and includes our first trick or treating party with lots of friends and family!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October Snow Storm

Yes, you did read correctly, we are having an October snow storm! Well, it's not really a snow "storm", but it's still snow. I know all you Wormecks in Florida are reading this right now laughing your heads off. Yes, we are getting snow in NJ in October.

Actually I enjoy this weather (yes, hard to believe). It's so cozy sitting inside a warm toasty house watching the snow fall. The only thing missing is my baby girl, who is spending a few days at Grammy's house (where else!).

And as I'm watching the snow fall outside, I'm getting very nostalgic. Why, you ask? Because around this time last year we had our first snow storm, and I was just a few weeks away from giving birth. I remember being filled with excitement, fear, anticipation, questions, delight, and exhaustion. I remember watching the snow fall outside and think, "Wow, next year when the snow is falling, our daughter will be almost a year old." And now here we are, one year later, with our daughter almost a year old.

So as I'm enjoying this trip down memory lane, I thought I'd share some pictures with you from this time last year.

Here I am, 30something weeks pregnant. Was I really that big?

Here is Jason and Smitty practicing the new baby gear. No need for words here...

Some pictures from my shower. I still can't believe how generous my friends and family were with all the gifts. Kelly did such a wonderful job with the planning and decorations, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

These are some of my favorite pictures. They are the "final product" shots of our nursery, after Grammy Wormeck helped put Penny's room together. It was a lot of work, but worth it.

I remember sitting in this rocking chair looking around at all the baby clothes, diapers, and decorations thinking, "wow, in just a few weeks, there is going to be a baby in here."

Of course, the cats had to check out all this new baby furniture. Little did they know that in just a few weeks, they would no longer be our only babies.

And finally, Jason practicing being a Daddy. Little did he know that the real thing would be a lot different than this stuffed monkey.

Looking back at all of these memories makes me think how lucky I am. I'm lucky to have a wonderful family, wonderful friends, and a wonderful baby girl. These past 10 1/2 months have been hard, but totally 100% worth it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The UP side of a DOWN economy

Yes, you did read the title of this post correctly, there IS a positive side to this downed economy. And that positive side can be summarized in one word - Grammy.

Let me explain.

For those of you who don't know, Grammy (Koskulics) works as a consultant in the financial industry. She takes on various projects for various periods of time - 6 months, one year, even 1+ years. She works very, very hard on these projects, and when one project is done she takes a bit of time off, and then gets right back in the swing of things with a new project.

Well, since our economy turned on us, Grammy has had a bit of difficulty finding a new project, since many of the big financial companies are not hiring. Since her last project ended over the summer, she has been working very hard to find a new project. But despite her efforts, no job has become available.

So why is this good, you ask?

Well, since Grammy is home now, there is nothing she likes better than to spend time with her Granddaughter. And I don't mean a few hours here and there, I mean LOTS of time. She will babysit Penny for 2 - 3 days a week...overnight! So sometimes Mommy and Daddy will have 2 or 3 days to themselves (and even though we love our baby, even us parents need a time out). It's a win-win.

Penny loves sleeping over Grammy and Grampy's house. She spends quality time with Grammy, Grampy, Nana, and even visits her other Great-Grammy at Monmouth Crossing assisted living (and she's quite a hit when she goes there!). Penny's visits are called "Penny therapy" because Penny makes everything all better.

So enjoy these shots of "Penny therapy". And even though Grammy is the captain of the "Penny therapy" ship, she can't seem to find a moment to pose for a picture. So you'll have to trust that she's there, behind the camera as usual.

Penny enjoying a nice ripe plum that Grammy peeled for her
Walk with Nana (and Grammy behind the camera)

playtime with Nana

visit with Great-Grammy at Monmouth Crossing

Bottle with Auntie Xiaodao

Hugs with Grampy (who recently said to me, "I don't know how to tell my children this, but Penny is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen". Translation: his kids - myself included - are not quite as beautiful as Penny. I take no offense to this, seeing as Penny is my child. However, Jeff, Robby, and Michael, looks like you have some competition!

And finally, dress up time at Grammy's house. What other 10 month old is so lucky?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gift from Daddy

I've been going to consignment sales lately (don't can get some GREAT deals!). I've really cleaned up...lots of clothes, toys, etc.

This last weekend Jason decided to join me, and I think he actually enjoyed himself. In fact, he got so into it that he found this great toy for Penny, and had to buy it.

It's pretty darn cute...our little Penny is now our little piano player! And now we can always say that Daddy bought Penny her first musical instrument.

Just too cute

What more can I say???

Growing up with her friends

Even though we've been very busy these past few weeks, Penny always finds time to hang out with her friends. For those of you who have been following her blog, you can see some of Penny's friends are growing up as fast as she is.

It wasn't long ago when we were taking pictures of them sleeping in their car seats (while us Mommies had our own play date!), and now they are crawling all over the floor sharing toys. Time goes too fast.

She said "Hi!"

At 9 1/2 months, it's official...Penny said her first word! Ok, so maybe she's just imitating back what she hears, but isn't that the first step?

Not surprising, our little social butterfly's first word is...."Hi!!"

Take a look at Penny in action and see what I mean:

Does she sleep like Daddy?

Ever since Penny started learning how to move around, she now sleeps on her belly. I don't know when it happens, because every night I put her down on her back, but somehow she ends up on her belly! It's actually really cute - she tucks her legs underneath her and sleeps like a little frog.

I think Grammy W once told me that Jason used to sleep like this...looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..

And one morning when Penny was sleeping, I was lucky enough to be right there with my camera as she started waking up. Now you can see how cute she is as she wakes up...