Saturday, February 7, 2009


February is pretty boring around here - lots of cold and lots of snow.

The good news is, Penny is so much fun these days! She's running all around, eating all sorts of food, and learning as much as she possibly can.

Some fun tidbits...

After months of practicing, she officially got the sign language for "more". She has 7 teeth. She has 3 bottles of milk a day. She easily switches back and forth from a sippy cup to a bottle. She sleeps 11 - 14 hours a night. She goes back and forth between 1 and 2 naps a day. Favorite foods are: sweet potatoes, salmon, popcorn, cheese, and corn on the cob. She says words and phrases like "hi kitty, hi da-da, kiki (binkie), ookie (cookie), chhhh (cheese), baba (bottle). And she knows "what does a kitty/doggie/cow/snake say?"

Enjoy some February pictures of our little angel!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January blues

Oh, the dreariness of January. Nothing is worse than 30 degree temps, snow, no sunlight, and being stuck indoors. Yuck.

Penny did find a way to pass the time, though. Her new favorite toy is her diaper basket. Don't worry, they are clean diapers (but diapers nonetheless!). She will spend hours playing this game...take diapers out, put diapers in. Out, in, out, in. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

I guess this means Penny will have inexpensive taste in toys? We'll have to wait and see...

On another fun note, we did manage to get out and enjoy the January freezing weather. Nothing will stop us Wormecks from taking a walk...not even freezing temperatures!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Just another night in the Wormeck household

Just another fun evening in the Wormeck house. Dinner with Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Kel, Uncle Smit, and the twins. Well, the twins weren't eating dinner per se, but they were playing in the family room while we finished up at the table.

What a good girl - Penny is "sharing" her cookie with Daddy.

(don't mind the random stuff on our dinner a pair of Penny's socks...)