Sunday, December 30, 2007

Penny week 2

Miss Penny Lane is now two weeks old!

This was a big week for Little Miss...we did lots of fun stuff. Penny went for her first walk around the neighborhood with Mommy and Daddy. It was a little chilly out, but she was bundled up nice and warm, and Daddy carried her on his chest in her Baby Bijorn. She was a happy little girl!

We had our annual Christmas dinner with our friends, and it was Penny's first time meeting her "Aunties" and "Uncles". Kelly, Smitty, Emily, Danny, Kim, and Christian all came over to visit our Little Miss....and she was showered with gifts! The girls all brought food so that I wouldn't have to cook (bless their hearts). We had a great night of eating and relaxing with Penny. Of, and if you are wondering why Christian is wearing a surgical mask...well, you can probably guess. He was just getting over a little illness, and his doctor gave him the clearance to visit Penny, but suggested wearing the mask. Gotta love Christian...the things he does for little ones!

Christmas Eve was Penny's first trip to Grandma and Grampy's house, and her first time meeting her Uncles! She was very good in the car ride down (slept the entire time), and she loved meeting her family. Uncle Jeff, Uncle Robby, and Uncle Mike took turns passing her around and taking pictures. She was even kind enough to sleep in her car seat while we ate our traditional dinner.

Christmas Day was Penny's first big family gathering at home. Grandma, Grampy, Uncle Jeff, Svetlana, Uncle Robby, Uncle Mike, Xiaodao, Nana, Great Aunt Holly, Great Uncle Keith, Bonnie, Ben, Great Aunt Maria, Great Uncle Mike, Mike and Lisa all came to visit. We had a restful relaxing day of eating, picture taking, and sitting by the fire. All family holidays should be like this.

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