Saturday, December 20, 2008

Drum roll please...

...we have a WALKER!!

True to form, our little diva decided that exactly one week after her first birthday, it was time to get up and go! She had been doing the "cruising" thing for a few weeks, and finally she decided to take her first steps. I think she knew Christmas was around the corner, and she decided that would be a great day to debut her new walking abilities.

As you can see from the video, we weren't prepared for her to take her first steps, but we did the best we could with our limited lighting and bad background.

Enjoy watching our little Princess take her first steps.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Haaaaaappy Birthday, Miss Penny!!

Our Princess Penny just turned one, and I can say officially....THIS YEAR WENT FAST! If back in January someone told me how fast this year would go, I wouldn't have believed them. But alas, time flew, and here we are with our little one year old princess.

Penny had such a wonderful party, full of friends and family. The theme was "princess" (duh), but when we put her in her princess outfit, it was a little snug. So she ended up in her Tinkerbell outfit. Tinkerbell isn't exactly a princess, but close enough. And Penny was DARN cute, so it didn't matter!

Princess cake for our Princess Penny

Penny's Papparazzi!

"Grammy Koskulics, DON'T GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

But Grammy Wormeck made it better with a bottle

Overall, it was quite a day. Quite a year, in fact. If the next 18+ years are anything like the first year, then we're in for a wonderful ride! Thanks everyone who love Penny, her life wouldn't be complete without you

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cutsey Cute

Just a cute video of Penny. This is what life is like every day in the Wormeck household.

How can you not love this little face??

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Yet another fabulous Thanksgiving. This year was much better than last year, mostly because:

1) This year Penny is here
2) This year I'm not 11 months pregnant, and I can actually enjoy the food instead of filling up on two bites!

As usual, the crowd gathered in Freehold for food, fun, and football. Penny had a blast, probably because she was the center of attention! (hmmm...sound like anyone you know??)

Of course, what is a family day without Uncle Robby? Penny LOVES him!

And of course, what is a Koskulics Thanksgiving without a big touch football game?

Grampy did a fantastic job carving the turkey

Grammy and Aunt Maria made their famous gravy.

And Penny cleaned her plate!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Time for a new car seat

After months and months (and months and months) of research, we finally decided on a new car seat. Penny has officially outgrown her infant seat, so we figured it was time to take the plunge into the world of big-girl seats.

One last look at Penny's infant seat...

And here's Penny's big girl seat! We settled on the Cadillac of car seats, the Britax Boulevard.

I struggled with color options...basically it was pink or boring brown. The practical side of me said "borning brown", but the fun side of me said "PINK!!". Guess what side finally won?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! (part 2)

I don't think it was possible for Penny to have any more fun than she did on her first trick-or-treating trip! And yes, Mommy and Daddy had a great time too :)

Our trip started with everyone mustering up at our house...and by everyone I mean:

Me, Jason, Penny,
Grammy (Koskulics), Nana
Auntie Kel, Uncle Smit, TJ, Kayla, Grandma Khoury
Nina, Frank
Denise, George, Aidan, Kylin, Paige, and Grandma Somers

Yes, you counted correctly...that's 18 people! We had quite a group. And we had a blast.

Enjoy our pictures of the day; maybe next year there will be a few more additions?

Happy Halloween! (part one)

Penny's first Halloween was full of excitement, playdates, and lots of fun! We started our "Halloween week" (because, let's be honest...pretty much everything in my/Penny's life will be celebrated to the fullest - and longest) with a playdate. Our usual group of babies included Penny, Brooklyn, Frank, and the twins Cooper and Jackson. Penny has been growing up with these kids since they were literally in the womb.

Part 2 of our Halloween celebration was a visit to my Weichert office, where Penny is the unofficial office mascot. Auntie Kathleen made her a little trick-or-treat bag, full of books, toys, and animal crackers. What a lucky baby!

Penny had a great time playing with Sharon on the floor.

And of course, Auntie Kathleen spoiled her little princess!

Part 2 of the Halloween installment will be coming soon...and includes our first trick or treating party with lots of friends and family!