Saturday, December 20, 2008

Drum roll please...

...we have a WALKER!!

True to form, our little diva decided that exactly one week after her first birthday, it was time to get up and go! She had been doing the "cruising" thing for a few weeks, and finally she decided to take her first steps. I think she knew Christmas was around the corner, and she decided that would be a great day to debut her new walking abilities.

As you can see from the video, we weren't prepared for her to take her first steps, but we did the best we could with our limited lighting and bad background.

Enjoy watching our little Princess take her first steps.


Patty said...

i was so distracted by your squeals of delight, that i totally lost sight of her walking in the video. haha. such a proud mommy moment, huh?

Kelly -n- Smitty said...

I don't know what I enjoyed more...the memory of Penny walking for the first time, or listening to your excitement. Oh yeah...and seeing her fall. It sounds mean, but it isn't because my little girl just resets and goes again!