Wednesday, April 16, 2008

4 month check up

Penny went to Dr.Douvris on Monday for her 4 month check up....and all is great!

She is now 13 lbs 13 oz (13 really must be our lucky number in this family!!) and she is now 24'' long. Doc is still keeping her on the acid reflux medicine, but he didn't increase it, in hopes that as she gets bigger her body will wean itself.

We also got the green light for solids! I think we'll start her rice cereal soon, since she is eating 32oz of formula a day...which is not only the max she is supposed to have, it's also costing us an arm and a leg!!!!

Doc also says that he thinks her eyes will stay blue. It looks like her hair is getting darker, so I don't think I'll have my redhead. Will she be a mini-Jason??? Looks like that is a possibility!!!

All in all, our little girl is nice and healthy!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

4 months...almost!

I wanted to take a minute and record Penny's progress, milestones, etc (before I forget them!!). Here goes:

- At about 6 weeks, she started sleeping through the night - sporadically.
- At about 2 months, she started consistently sleeping through the night.
- Here we are at almost 4 months, and she's been sleeping through the night for weeks...almost months!
- I'm down to pumping once a day (in the morning). I only get about an ounce a day, but at least she's still getting breast milk. When she was about 3 months she started rejecting the breast, and now she won't even nurse for a few minutes.
- Rolling over...not so much progress here. She will randomly roll over from her belly to her back, but it's still not consistent.
- She laughs all the time now! Even when she sees fingers wiggled in her direction, sometimes I'll get a laugh even before I touch her.
- She's getting really good at grabbing things. She's not 100% down with the hand-eye coordination, but she reaches for things and hangs on. This has been happening for only a few weeks now.
- She's really good at the sit up, stand up game. She started this at about 3 months, and now she can "stand" for a really long time.
- Napping schedule: still somewhat random, but we're getting there. She wakes up at about 7:30 or 8:00, and goes down for a nap about 2 hours after she wakes up. Generally she takes about 2 naps for 30 minutes each, and one long nap..sometimes for 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
- Our nighttime routine (which we started at about 3 months). At 7:30 - 8:30 we give her a 6 oz bottle. At 9:00 we give her a bath. Then we sleep sack her, give her a small bottle, and she's asleep by 9:30ish.
- Eating: She eats about 23 - 28 oz a day. She eats pretty much every 2 hours. I'm trying to get her to eat more oz less often.

That's it for now! Our little girl is growing fast!!!!

Penny Lane...the fashion model!

So we innocently stopped by BRUs this past week to get Penny's baptism outfit...and we walked out with a runway star! Here's how it all went down.

We were at BRUs - me, Kelly, Jason, and Penny shopping for her baptism dress. Jason was pushing Penny in her stroller, and came across the staff setting up for some event in the back. Jason went over and asked what was going on, and he found out it was a fashion show! So of course he had to ask if Penny could be in it....and they had one more slot for a 4 month old open! Perfect!

So we got to pick out any outfit we wanted from the store, and I couldn't help picking out an adorable little swimsuit ensemble. She was adorable in it!!!

When the show got started, Jason was the one to walk down the aisle with Penny. He was loving every minute of it...dancing around, waving Penny's hand, and just being a plain old ham. Anyone who thinks Jason is shy should have seen him that night!

Everyone who thought that I would be the "stage mom" got it all wrong...apparently Jason is the "stage dad"! When we got home that night he said to me, "I'm going to look up online how we can get Penny to be a model. She's cute enough!!!".