Tuesday, April 8, 2008

4 months...almost!

I wanted to take a minute and record Penny's progress, milestones, etc (before I forget them!!). Here goes:

- At about 6 weeks, she started sleeping through the night - sporadically.
- At about 2 months, she started consistently sleeping through the night.
- Here we are at almost 4 months, and she's been sleeping through the night for weeks...almost months!
- I'm down to pumping once a day (in the morning). I only get about an ounce a day, but at least she's still getting breast milk. When she was about 3 months she started rejecting the breast, and now she won't even nurse for a few minutes.
- Rolling over...not so much progress here. She will randomly roll over from her belly to her back, but it's still not consistent.
- She laughs all the time now! Even when she sees fingers wiggled in her direction, sometimes I'll get a laugh even before I touch her.
- She's getting really good at grabbing things. She's not 100% down with the hand-eye coordination, but she reaches for things and hangs on. This has been happening for only a few weeks now.
- She's really good at the sit up, stand up game. She started this at about 3 months, and now she can "stand" for a really long time.
- Napping schedule: still somewhat random, but we're getting there. She wakes up at about 7:30 or 8:00, and goes down for a nap about 2 hours after she wakes up. Generally she takes about 2 naps for 30 minutes each, and one long nap..sometimes for 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
- Our nighttime routine (which we started at about 3 months). At 7:30 - 8:30 we give her a 6 oz bottle. At 9:00 we give her a bath. Then we sleep sack her, give her a small bottle, and she's asleep by 9:30ish.
- Eating: She eats about 23 - 28 oz a day. She eats pretty much every 2 hours. I'm trying to get her to eat more oz less often.

That's it for now! Our little girl is growing fast!!!!

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