Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yummy toes

Penny's toes have been a source of constant amusement since she discovered them. She'll sit for as long as I let her just sucking on her toes. It's very cute :)

Will our little princess be a cheerleader? Or maybe a gymnast? I don't know, but I do know that she certainly has the flexibility!

She must take after her Mom. In the hospital while I was giving birth, my doctor said to me, "geez, Jessica, I've NEVER had a patient who was so flexible!!". I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

swing, swing, swing

Ah, our lovely swing. We've been through some good times together, but it may be time to put you away. Just the other day, I put Penny in it (after not using it for a month or so), and I realized that she may just be getting too big for it!

These pictures are from Penny's first month at home. Look how tiny she was in her swing...

And these pictures are from Penny at 7 months. What a difference!!

7 month photo shoot

Has it really been 7 months already?? I'll tell you, when Penny was born - and for the first 3 months - I thought she would NEVER grow up and get to the "fun" baby stage. Well, we have arrived...

So what can Penny do now?

1) sleep about 12 hours a night
2) take 2 long naps a day (1 - 2 hours each), and one short cat nap
3) eat 2 meals a day...veggies are still her favorite
4) drink 5 bottles a day, 6 oz each
5) sit up on her own
6) feed herself small pieces of food
7) roll from her belly to her back (but not the other way around)
8) stand up holding on to something
9) push something away if she's done (like a bottle, or her binky, or a toy)
10) and a bottom tooth popped through!

What are Penny's favorite things?

1) sucking on a wet washcloth
2) feeding herself Puffs
3) watching Uncle Smitty juggle
4) going for walks and checking out EVERYTHING around her, especially telephone polls
5) eating her toes
6) "swimming" in the pool
7) sucking on pickles, corn husks, celery sticks, and lemons
8) watching Jason be Goofball-Daddy
9) chewing REALLY hard on her toys
10) playing with her friends

Ok, this may not be a big deal to many of you, but for those of you who have been through this, you will appreciate the video. The big news? Penny can feed herself!

Just last week, I decided to see what would happen if I handed Penny a puff. And what did my little angel do? Picked it right up and put it in her mouth (just like she does with everything else these days..). So I tried it again, and, repeat performance!

The best part of the day was finding out Penny can feed herself from food on her highchair tray. So now I can plop a few puffs, or pieces of sweet potato, on her tray, and she'll happily feed herself. What a girl!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

4th of July

Yet another 4th of July party Wormeck-style! Lots of food, fun, and...for the first year ever...lots of BABIES!!! Penny played host to Paige - 11 days old, Christian Jr ("Little Man") - 2 months, Frank - 6 1/2 months, Connor - 7 months, Ethan - 15 months, and Allison 18 months.

Along with all the babies, some new additions to he party were our first ever beer-pong table (I guess us 30somethings can seem to shake the college years...), and sparklers for the evening. It was also the first Wormeck BBQ where we had not one, but TWO new members to the family - Penny and my new sister-in-law Svetlana.

The morning started quite a bit dreary and a bit rainy, but things cleared up in time for the party. Once again, Wormeck BBQ was a success!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Haaaaaappy birthday, Miss Penny...

Happy 1/2 birthday, Penny!! I always thought people were crazy when they said time would fly by...but I can now officially say, YOU'RE RIGHT. I can't believe Penny is 6 months old - where did the time go?!? I'll probably say this about every age, but so far, this is my favorite.

So what is our little angel up to these days? Some of this stuff may be boring, but I want to write it all down so I don't forget it in a few years! Here's a snapshot:

- Penny can sit up on her own. All on her own! We still sometimes put her boppy pillow around here when she's on the floor, because she's had a few crash landings, but mostly she is all by herself.
- We are now officially at 2 meals a day (plus 5 or so bottles too). She eats breakfast and dinner. Some of her favorites are sweet potatoes, spinach, green beans, peas and watermelon.
- Bath time is at 8:00 or so, followed by bottle and bedtime. Usually she's asleep by 8:30, and wakes up around 7:30. (not a bad schedule if I say so myself...)
- She is a total giggle girl! Penny laughs and laughs, sometimes for the strangest reason. Jason likes to put her on his shoulders and ride around the house, and she LOVES it! She's also been known to laugh when the wind blows (I kid you not), when watching other babies or kids, and when Jason makes goofball faces at her.
- She's started to wean herself off of her swing, and I have a feeling that we will be putting it away soon.
- I have a feeling that Penny won't be crawling anytime soon, because she will NOT do tummy time! No matter what we try to do, she will always flip over to her back as soon as we put her on her tummy. Is that her stubborn streak??
- Lately Penny has been sleeping on her left side. I don't blame the girl, I'd hate sleeping my my back all the time too!!
- Just last week, Grammy introduced little Gerber "puffs" to Penny...and she loves them! I thought she'd be a bit young for them, but nope, she eats them right up.

So I think that's it for Little Miss Princess. I don't think I could have ordered a better little girl...and I'm not just saying that knowing that someday she will read this...I really mean it!

Here are a few other shots from her 6 month photo shoot. Is it me, or is she the cutest baby EVER???