Saturday, July 26, 2008

7 month photo shoot

Has it really been 7 months already?? I'll tell you, when Penny was born - and for the first 3 months - I thought she would NEVER grow up and get to the "fun" baby stage. Well, we have arrived...

So what can Penny do now?

1) sleep about 12 hours a night
2) take 2 long naps a day (1 - 2 hours each), and one short cat nap
3) eat 2 meals a day...veggies are still her favorite
4) drink 5 bottles a day, 6 oz each
5) sit up on her own
6) feed herself small pieces of food
7) roll from her belly to her back (but not the other way around)
8) stand up holding on to something
9) push something away if she's done (like a bottle, or her binky, or a toy)
10) and a bottom tooth popped through!

What are Penny's favorite things?

1) sucking on a wet washcloth
2) feeding herself Puffs
3) watching Uncle Smitty juggle
4) going for walks and checking out EVERYTHING around her, especially telephone polls
5) eating her toes
6) "swimming" in the pool
7) sucking on pickles, corn husks, celery sticks, and lemons
8) watching Jason be Goofball-Daddy
9) chewing REALLY hard on her toys
10) playing with her friends

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