Saturday, December 20, 2008

Drum roll please...

...we have a WALKER!!

True to form, our little diva decided that exactly one week after her first birthday, it was time to get up and go! She had been doing the "cruising" thing for a few weeks, and finally she decided to take her first steps. I think she knew Christmas was around the corner, and she decided that would be a great day to debut her new walking abilities.

As you can see from the video, we weren't prepared for her to take her first steps, but we did the best we could with our limited lighting and bad background.

Enjoy watching our little Princess take her first steps.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Haaaaaappy Birthday, Miss Penny!!

Our Princess Penny just turned one, and I can say officially....THIS YEAR WENT FAST! If back in January someone told me how fast this year would go, I wouldn't have believed them. But alas, time flew, and here we are with our little one year old princess.

Penny had such a wonderful party, full of friends and family. The theme was "princess" (duh), but when we put her in her princess outfit, it was a little snug. So she ended up in her Tinkerbell outfit. Tinkerbell isn't exactly a princess, but close enough. And Penny was DARN cute, so it didn't matter!

Princess cake for our Princess Penny

Penny's Papparazzi!

"Grammy Koskulics, DON'T GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

But Grammy Wormeck made it better with a bottle

Overall, it was quite a day. Quite a year, in fact. If the next 18+ years are anything like the first year, then we're in for a wonderful ride! Thanks everyone who love Penny, her life wouldn't be complete without you

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cutsey Cute

Just a cute video of Penny. This is what life is like every day in the Wormeck household.

How can you not love this little face??