Thursday, January 15, 2009

January blues

Oh, the dreariness of January. Nothing is worse than 30 degree temps, snow, no sunlight, and being stuck indoors. Yuck.

Penny did find a way to pass the time, though. Her new favorite toy is her diaper basket. Don't worry, they are clean diapers (but diapers nonetheless!). She will spend hours playing this game...take diapers out, put diapers in. Out, in, out, in. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

I guess this means Penny will have inexpensive taste in toys? We'll have to wait and see...

On another fun note, we did manage to get out and enjoy the January freezing weather. Nothing will stop us Wormecks from taking a walk...not even freezing temperatures!

1 comment:

Patty said...

In that last picture, Penny looks warm and comfy. Meanwhile, Jason looks like he's freezing!

Penny seriously has the most adorable little mouth/smile I've ever seen.

I'm so excited to see this post... only four more months to go until I'm fully updated on Life With Penny. =)~ (no pressure or anything)