Sunday, July 6, 2008

Haaaaaappy birthday, Miss Penny...

Happy 1/2 birthday, Penny!! I always thought people were crazy when they said time would fly by...but I can now officially say, YOU'RE RIGHT. I can't believe Penny is 6 months old - where did the time go?!? I'll probably say this about every age, but so far, this is my favorite.

So what is our little angel up to these days? Some of this stuff may be boring, but I want to write it all down so I don't forget it in a few years! Here's a snapshot:

- Penny can sit up on her own. All on her own! We still sometimes put her boppy pillow around here when she's on the floor, because she's had a few crash landings, but mostly she is all by herself.
- We are now officially at 2 meals a day (plus 5 or so bottles too). She eats breakfast and dinner. Some of her favorites are sweet potatoes, spinach, green beans, peas and watermelon.
- Bath time is at 8:00 or so, followed by bottle and bedtime. Usually she's asleep by 8:30, and wakes up around 7:30. (not a bad schedule if I say so myself...)
- She is a total giggle girl! Penny laughs and laughs, sometimes for the strangest reason. Jason likes to put her on his shoulders and ride around the house, and she LOVES it! She's also been known to laugh when the wind blows (I kid you not), when watching other babies or kids, and when Jason makes goofball faces at her.
- She's started to wean herself off of her swing, and I have a feeling that we will be putting it away soon.
- I have a feeling that Penny won't be crawling anytime soon, because she will NOT do tummy time! No matter what we try to do, she will always flip over to her back as soon as we put her on her tummy. Is that her stubborn streak??
- Lately Penny has been sleeping on her left side. I don't blame the girl, I'd hate sleeping my my back all the time too!!
- Just last week, Grammy introduced little Gerber "puffs" to Penny...and she loves them! I thought she'd be a bit young for them, but nope, she eats them right up.

So I think that's it for Little Miss Princess. I don't think I could have ordered a better little girl...and I'm not just saying that knowing that someday she will read this...I really mean it!

Here are a few other shots from her 6 month photo shoot. Is it me, or is she the cutest baby EVER???


Kelly -n- Smitty said... big, sweet Goddaughter! How I could just eat her up! I am so lucky to get to see her every day!
-Auntie Kelly

Unknown said...

Wow! I don't understand how one baby can get cuter and cuter every day! She is sooo cute! I can't take it!