Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8 months old!

I know I say this every month, but, where does the time go????? I can't believe Penny is 8 months old...I can' t believe summer is almost over...I can't believe we're FINALLY leaving for Disney in a few days...I could go on and on.

Anyway, back to Penny. Here are some of her milestones and other "stuff"

1) still on 2 meals a day, and 4 bottles (6 oz each). Grammy found the greatest nipples that are "fast flow", and now feeding Penny a bottle doesn't take 30 minutes anymore.
2) we dropped Penny's crib mattress to the lowest setting. She's not yet pulling herself up, but she's rolling ALL over the place. She even sometimes sleeps on her belly.
3) We've started to install our baby gates around the house! Pen still isn't crawling or scooting or anything, but she'll roll all over the place.
4) Penny is now in her big girl bath tub! We bought an inflatable insert for our big tub, and last night was her first bath. Hmmm..I"ll have to post pictures of that too.
5) Favorite foods are still green veggies, cheerios, and some fruits (but still prefers veggies).
6) Meal time is fun now, because Penny would prefer feeding herself little pieces of finger food. We've started on chicken, cut up veggies, cottage cheese, small pieces of hard cheese, and Gerber biscuits.
7) She can "re-binkie" herself!!! For all of you who have kids, you know that this is a big deal. When Pen is falling asleep in her crib and her binkie falls out, she puts it right back in herself. Whew!
8) Penny's swing has officially left the building. I think this one deserves its own post too. More on that later.
9) And finally, our little girl can pull herself to a stand. She will not do it holding on to furniture, though, she only does it when holding on to our hands.

So here are some pictures from her 8 month photo shoot. My little girl is growing up *snif, snif*

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