Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8 months old...daily schedule

It occurred to me today after talking to my Mom's Club friends that even though we all have kids almost exactly the same age, they are all on very different schedules. So here's my attempt to put our schedule down on paper, since I'm sure when baby #2 comes, I'll be trying to remember exactly what Penny did at this age!

With the exception of the "finger foods" part, she has pretty much been on this same schedule since she was 6 months old.

8am - Penny wakes up and plays in her crib for about 15 minutes

9am - 6 oz bottle of formula

9:30 - 10:30 - plays with toys with Mommy

10:30 - goes down for a nap. She doesn't like being rocked anymore, so I just put her down awake in her crib, and she'll roll around and talk to her toys until she falls asleep

11:30 or 12:00 - wakes up from her nap

12:00 lunch - usually 2 ice cubes worth of homemade baby food (fruits or veggies), 2 tablespoons of baby cereal, Cheerios, and some finger foods (little veggies or cheese)

12:30 - 2:00 - playtime, walk in stroller, run errands, go to Mom's Club, or playgroups. A 6 oz bottle is in there somewhere.

2:30 - nap

4:00ish - wake up from nap, 6 oz bottle

4:30 - 6:30 - playtime, stroller walk, or run errands

6:30 - Daddy gets home and plays, and Pen eats dinner. Lately it's been more finger foods (chicken, veggies, cheese, etc) and less and less baby food. She likes to eat by herself!

7:00 - walk with Daddy in stroller, and usually a short 15 or so minute cat nap

8:00 - bath time with Mommy and Daddy

8:30 - 6 oz bottle and bedtime

We're pretty lucky with regards to our schedule - not only is she a great baby, but she's very flexible. Some days we're in the car a lot, and she'll sleep there if it's nap time. Or she'll eat dinner out if we're visiting friends, or running errands. No matter what we are doing, she'll adapt. I ask myself every did we get so lucky???

On another note, every baby needs their "naked baby rolling around on the floor pictures", and I could never think of a place to put it. So here it is!! Notice her little cute birthmark on her back...

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