Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who's a big girl with her big girl teeth?

After trying for about a month now, I FINALLY got Penny to keep her mouth open for long enough for me to snap a picture! I was probably holding a Cheerio or something in front of her to make her open up.

And even though it looks like Penny is about to cry in this picture, she actually is not. For anyone who has been around Penny recently, you probably heard her do her high pitched "AHHHHhhhh" squeak noise. Well, this is a picture of her revving up right before we hear the "AHHHhhhh!!!". Very cute.

Yes, the noise is cute now, but is it going to be so cute when we're on the plane to Florida surrounded by a bunch of people?? I think ANYTHING my daughter does is adorable, but a plane full of strangers might disagree. To be continued...

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