Thursday, September 11, 2008


Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me....P-E-N-N-N-Y, L-A-N-N-E!!! (and yes, I know that's not how you spell Penny's name, but I couldn't fit it into the "Mickey Mouse Club" song any other way)

Ok so Penny is no Mickey Mouse, but she DID get to see him during her first trip to Disney World!! And what a trip it was. Of course I have about a million pictures. And yes, you have to suffer through all of them. Just kidding. :)

So let's start at the beginning...our flight.

We flew out of Lehigh Valley airport, a very small airport about 30 minutes from our house. And I have to say, that it was the most pleasant experience we've had at an airport in a long time.

Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7:30, but it was delayed an hour. We sat in the airport and Penny was a delight...she ate her dinner, played with her toys, and rocked with Daddy (yes, the airport has rocking chairs!!) until our flight was called.

So by the time we got on to the plane, Penny was past her bedtime. She was a little fussy for about the first 10 minutes or so after we sat down, but as we took off, she fell right to sleep. And remained asleep for the entire ride!! It was a joy.

So overall, Penny's first flight was easy as pie. Thankfully we bought her an extra seat on the plane, and she happily slept in her car seat the whole flight. One thing we did learn.... it is well worth the extra $$ to pay for the extra seat!

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