Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Disney installment #2

During our visit to Epcot, we stumbled upon a nice little secret that made our day. Every few hours, a cover Beatles band called The British Invasion plays Beatles songs in the England section of Epcot. So of course when we found this out, we had to check it out.

And to our delight, they played "Penny Lane" for our own very special Penny Lane. I swear she recognized her name being sung over and over (or maybe that was just my own wishful thinking). Either way, it was a fantastic way to end our day at Epcot!

And yes, we had to remember the moment by buying a Beatles hat, which Penny had to taste test for us before wearing...

So here is our Penny with her namesake band. I'm glad the real Beatles weren't as ugly as these guys, or we may have thought twice before naming our daughter after one of their songs.

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