Thursday, September 18, 2008

9 months (finally!)

Yes, it has been a long time since I have blogged, but I have a good excuse! Life has been pretty busy, but I now have a few minutes to sit down and catch up.

So let's start with stats:

Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz (75 percentile)
Height: 28 1/4'' (70th percentile)
Head: 45 1/2'' (75th - 90th percentile)

And what is she doing? Well, this month has been interesting!

One morning after her nap, I went into Penny's room and found my little girl sitting up in her crib! It was quite a surprise, since for 9 months previous I've always found her awake, but still on her back. But not she's a big girl.

Soon to follow, the next week, I went to get her from her crib, and this time she was standing up! It was very cute, but also a little scary. Now my baby is starting to get mobile, which means, time to start baby proofing.

She has 2 bottom teeth, and her hair is getting longer and longer.

And her schedule:

8:00ish - wake up
8:30 - 6 oz bottle
9:30 - breakfast
10:30 - nap
12:00 wake up from nap
12:30 - lunch
1:00 - 3:30 - playtime
3:30 - nap
4:30 - 6 oz bottle
4:30 - 6:00 - playtime
6:00 dinner
7:30 - bath time
8:00 - 8 oz bottle
8:30 - bedtime

And finally, here are some shots from her 9 month photo shoot. I wanted to get a photo shoot of her in her PJs, and since the weather is getting chilly, this was the perfect opportunity:

And since these pictures were taken at night, our little model decided that she was getting tired, and wanted Mommy to put away the camera and take her to bed!

Here is what I've been greeted with every morning since she started to pull herself up. What is better than this?!?

And I'll leave you with one last picture of our little drama queen...this is what a typical morning looks like around our house!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Disney installment #3

Our visit to MGM, which Disney renamed "Hollywood Studios" (I still have to get used to that) was another fun-filled, very sunny, very hot day. But we didn't let the heat spoil our fun!

We got to ride the newest addition to the Disney ride inventory, "Toy Story Mania". It's actually this REALLY cool interactive 3D ride that you have to...well, I won't spoil it for those of you who have yet to ride it. Let's just say, it was AWESOME.

All I can say is, Jason and had a blast. And Penny had a blast eating her very own set of 3D glasses :)

These next pictures were also taken at MGM...uh, I mean Hollywood Studios, and I HAD to include them. You know why? Because it's one of the ONLY pictures I have of me from the entire trip! I guess that's the price you pay for always being in charge of the camera.

And what's an embarrassing picture of me, without an embarrassing picture of Jason?

Disney installment #2

During our visit to Epcot, we stumbled upon a nice little secret that made our day. Every few hours, a cover Beatles band called The British Invasion plays Beatles songs in the England section of Epcot. So of course when we found this out, we had to check it out.

And to our delight, they played "Penny Lane" for our own very special Penny Lane. I swear she recognized her name being sung over and over (or maybe that was just my own wishful thinking). Either way, it was a fantastic way to end our day at Epcot!

And yes, we had to remember the moment by buying a Beatles hat, which Penny had to taste test for us before wearing...

So here is our Penny with her namesake band. I'm glad the real Beatles weren't as ugly as these guys, or we may have thought twice before naming our daughter after one of their songs.

Disney installment #1

One of the highlights of our Disney trip was our breakfast with Winnie the Pooh and friends. It was the ONLY character dining we did during our trip because, let's face it, character dining ain't cheap!! But this particular breakfast was worth every penny (no pun intended...). Speaking of pennies, our Penny had the time of her life. I think the phrase I'm looking for to describe those few minutes is, "100% Pure Joy".

When the characters came by, I've never seen her face light up as it did during those few minutes. She laughed and laughed, then laughed some more. And when Pooh would try to turn away to take a picture with Braedyn, she tried to take him back! (and yes, we will be working on "sharing" in the near future...)

So enjoy these shots of our fabulous breakfast with the characters. Another character breakfast will certainly be on our agenda the next time we go to Disney. It may have been a bit pricey, but the look on Penny's face was priceless.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First week of vacation - Grammy & Pop Pop's house

Our first week of vacation was spent at Grammy and Pop-Pop Wormeck's house in Florida. Penny had a fantastic time swimming in the pool, playing with Mickey the dog, and meeting her cousins baby Chase and Braedyn.

When Braedyn first met Penny, he didn't really know what to think of her. But pretty soon he warmed up, and even tried to give her a kiss! And yes, he had to work very hard for the kiss, since Penny was having NONE of it! (Daddy must have taught her to stay away from boys...even her cousin...)

Finally Braedyn did get a kiss in the pool...where Penny was distracted...

The 2 cousins had a very fun day playing together, and even sharing nicely...

Daddy had his own fun; we WERE in the car racing capitol of America, so he got right into the fun.

See our video below...

Thanks Grammy and Patty hosting us. We had some great family time!

Next week...on to Disney!!!


Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me....P-E-N-N-N-Y, L-A-N-N-E!!! (and yes, I know that's not how you spell Penny's name, but I couldn't fit it into the "Mickey Mouse Club" song any other way)

Ok so Penny is no Mickey Mouse, but she DID get to see him during her first trip to Disney World!! And what a trip it was. Of course I have about a million pictures. And yes, you have to suffer through all of them. Just kidding. :)

So let's start at the beginning...our flight.

We flew out of Lehigh Valley airport, a very small airport about 30 minutes from our house. And I have to say, that it was the most pleasant experience we've had at an airport in a long time.

Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7:30, but it was delayed an hour. We sat in the airport and Penny was a delight...she ate her dinner, played with her toys, and rocked with Daddy (yes, the airport has rocking chairs!!) until our flight was called.

So by the time we got on to the plane, Penny was past her bedtime. She was a little fussy for about the first 10 minutes or so after we sat down, but as we took off, she fell right to sleep. And remained asleep for the entire ride!! It was a joy.

So overall, Penny's first flight was easy as pie. Thankfully we bought her an extra seat on the plane, and she happily slept in her car seat the whole flight. One thing we did learn.... it is well worth the extra $$ to pay for the extra seat!