Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day

I was in Hallmark and read this card that said, "Happy Father's Day from the person who made you a father". It made me start thinking that being a father (or a mother) is the one job in this world that you absolutely can't do without the presence of another person - your child. So I guess this post is dedicated to Jason - the Father, from Penny - the person who made him a father.

Jason asked for one thing on Father's Day: a nice relaxing atmosphere, and a place to take a long nap. I'm a pretty lucky wife to only have to fulfill those two wishes...and what better place to make those things happen then at Grammy and Grampy's house. Us ladies got to cook, clean up, and entertain Penny, and the 2 Daddies in the house got to eat, relax, and take a nice long snooze.

I think my camera must have been on hiatus, because the ONLY pictures I have from Father's Day are from breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, I asked Jason what he wanted for breakfast (i.e. pancakes and bacon served in bed...), and he replied with, "cereal is fine". Um, ok, Jason you have ONE time a year to get a special breakfast, and you want cereal??? So the least I could do was dress it up a little by adding raspberries and blueberries. Ah, the simple tastes of life...

So Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies that we know. If any of you are half as good of a father as Jason is to Penny, there are lots and lots of lucky, well loved kids out there.

Our Lil' Swimmer

Yes, our little princess is officially a water baby! Penny had her first dunk in the pool with her Daddy. The pool was actually pretty warm for this time of year...I think it was 85 degrees or so.

So what did Penny think of the pool? Surprisingly she took to it like a duck to water (yes, bad joke, I know...).

Then of course since Pen was such the pool rookie, she invited over a few of her friends the next day to test the waters too. I personally think Pen just wanted to show off her bikini -and her awesome sunglasses - to her boyfriends Nicholas and Frank...

I had to throw this picture in here too, for all those women out there who say their husbands don't help out with their babies. While us ladies changed into our swimsuits, Jason was in charge of Pen, Frank, and Nicholas, and he did a mighty fine job! Well, ok, the exercauser and car seat did most of the work, but he DID do a good job watching them. Or was he just practicing protecting Penny for when she turns 16 and boys start coming to the house? Hmmm...I guess we'll never know...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Introducing the magical, mystical, mighty Penny... standing all on her own!!! I'll bet you never saw a 6 month old standing up all by herself balancing on a 4 inch platform. Ah, our little talented angel will be in the circus someday...see for yourself below...

Ok, now before anyone called DYFS on us...take a closer look at the picture. Can you see it? If you look closely, you will see some imprints on Penny's dress - that is Jason's hands holding her. Alas, our little girl isn't as talented as she appears in this picture. Her Uncle Smitty, however, is quite talented with photoshop!
For those of you who need me to spell it out for you...Penny is NOT standing on her own. Jason is holding her, but he was taken out of the picture with photoshop.
Would have been a nice April Fool's joke, huh? Enjoy!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wedding Bells (or should I say Wedding Belle?)

Miss Penny has been a busy girl!! She has been to several showers, parties, and even a wedding these past few months. These pictures are from out latest adventure - Emily and Danny's wedding.

Last weekend Emily and Danny tied the knot (on what turned out to be the hottest day so far this year...95 and HUMID!!). Penny was an absolute angel - even though the one hour Greek wedding ceremony.

And of course, because she is my little doll, she had several wardrobe changes throughout the day. The yellow dress and hat outfit was for the church (notice Daddy's matching tie...)

Then she changed into her adorable polka dot dress for the reception..

Oh, I had to include this picture below...I know Penny looks like she is being tortured, but it is a very important shot. It's the first time we got Danny to hold a baby!!!!!!!

And this was her final outfit for the night, when it got too hot for her dress.

The night was great - Penny was so well behaved, she even managed to get a few dances in! Click below to check it out!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

tickie, tickie, tickie!!

One failproof way to make Penny laugh, is doing "tickies, tickies, tickies!!!". For those of you who don't speak baby, "tickes" are tickles to her belly, side, or chin.

As you can see here, Jason is doing tickies with the highly advanced (and very expensive) piece of dead tree. As you can also see, Penny couldn't be happier!

Yucky peaches!!!

Since Penny is usually such a smiley, happy baby, I thought I'd show you that she isn't ALWAYS the perfect little girl!!! I found this out a few days ago when my "perfect" baby decided that she didn't like peaches. Even though she wasn't crazy about peaches, it made for some very funny moments, and even funnier pictures!

As you can see, Penny likes to be in control of the spoon when she's eating (hmmm...control freak...sound like anyone you know??). She thought it would be easiest if she held on to the spoon to eat her dinner (which was rice cereal, spinach, and peaches for dessert).

This is a great picture; every time I gave her a spoonful of peaches, she would wince, squeeze her eyes shut, and literally gag!! It was very cute.

Here is a picture of the gagging in process...

Along with the gagging, she decided to spit out every spoonful of peaches I put in, so it took her about 2 minutes to get done with one spoonful.

And of course, every time she ate the peaches, she would squeeze her eyes shut, as if she were in pain. Kinda like her Daddy does whenever I make him eat broccoli...

So here is a video of Little Miss Drama Queen in action...