Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our Lil' Swimmer

Yes, our little princess is officially a water baby! Penny had her first dunk in the pool with her Daddy. The pool was actually pretty warm for this time of year...I think it was 85 degrees or so.

So what did Penny think of the pool? Surprisingly she took to it like a duck to water (yes, bad joke, I know...).

Then of course since Pen was such the pool rookie, she invited over a few of her friends the next day to test the waters too. I personally think Pen just wanted to show off her bikini -and her awesome sunglasses - to her boyfriends Nicholas and Frank...

I had to throw this picture in here too, for all those women out there who say their husbands don't help out with their babies. While us ladies changed into our swimsuits, Jason was in charge of Pen, Frank, and Nicholas, and he did a mighty fine job! Well, ok, the exercauser and car seat did most of the work, but he DID do a good job watching them. Or was he just practicing protecting Penny for when she turns 16 and boys start coming to the house? Hmmm...I guess we'll never know...

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