Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yucky peaches!!!

Since Penny is usually such a smiley, happy baby, I thought I'd show you that she isn't ALWAYS the perfect little girl!!! I found this out a few days ago when my "perfect" baby decided that she didn't like peaches. Even though she wasn't crazy about peaches, it made for some very funny moments, and even funnier pictures!

As you can see, Penny likes to be in control of the spoon when she's eating (hmmm...control freak...sound like anyone you know??). She thought it would be easiest if she held on to the spoon to eat her dinner (which was rice cereal, spinach, and peaches for dessert).

This is a great picture; every time I gave her a spoonful of peaches, she would wince, squeeze her eyes shut, and literally gag!! It was very cute.

Here is a picture of the gagging in process...

Along with the gagging, she decided to spit out every spoonful of peaches I put in, so it took her about 2 minutes to get done with one spoonful.

And of course, every time she ate the peaches, she would squeeze her eyes shut, as if she were in pain. Kinda like her Daddy does whenever I make him eat broccoli...

So here is a video of Little Miss Drama Queen in action...

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