Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wedding Bells (or should I say Wedding Belle?)

Miss Penny has been a busy girl!! She has been to several showers, parties, and even a wedding these past few months. These pictures are from out latest adventure - Emily and Danny's wedding.

Last weekend Emily and Danny tied the knot (on what turned out to be the hottest day so far this year...95 and HUMID!!). Penny was an absolute angel - even though the one hour Greek wedding ceremony.

And of course, because she is my little doll, she had several wardrobe changes throughout the day. The yellow dress and hat outfit was for the church (notice Daddy's matching tie...)

Then she changed into her adorable polka dot dress for the reception..

Oh, I had to include this picture below...I know Penny looks like she is being tortured, but it is a very important shot. It's the first time we got Danny to hold a baby!!!!!!!

And this was her final outfit for the night, when it got too hot for her dress.

The night was great - Penny was so well behaved, she even managed to get a few dances in! Click below to check it out!!

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