Thursday, September 18, 2008

9 months (finally!)

Yes, it has been a long time since I have blogged, but I have a good excuse! Life has been pretty busy, but I now have a few minutes to sit down and catch up.

So let's start with stats:

Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz (75 percentile)
Height: 28 1/4'' (70th percentile)
Head: 45 1/2'' (75th - 90th percentile)

And what is she doing? Well, this month has been interesting!

One morning after her nap, I went into Penny's room and found my little girl sitting up in her crib! It was quite a surprise, since for 9 months previous I've always found her awake, but still on her back. But not she's a big girl.

Soon to follow, the next week, I went to get her from her crib, and this time she was standing up! It was very cute, but also a little scary. Now my baby is starting to get mobile, which means, time to start baby proofing.

She has 2 bottom teeth, and her hair is getting longer and longer.

And her schedule:

8:00ish - wake up
8:30 - 6 oz bottle
9:30 - breakfast
10:30 - nap
12:00 wake up from nap
12:30 - lunch
1:00 - 3:30 - playtime
3:30 - nap
4:30 - 6 oz bottle
4:30 - 6:00 - playtime
6:00 dinner
7:30 - bath time
8:00 - 8 oz bottle
8:30 - bedtime

And finally, here are some shots from her 9 month photo shoot. I wanted to get a photo shoot of her in her PJs, and since the weather is getting chilly, this was the perfect opportunity:

And since these pictures were taken at night, our little model decided that she was getting tired, and wanted Mommy to put away the camera and take her to bed!

Here is what I've been greeted with every morning since she started to pull herself up. What is better than this?!?

And I'll leave you with one last picture of our little drama queen...this is what a typical morning looks like around our house!

1 comment:

Patty said...

in that b&w picture of her sitting in her crib, she looks JUST LIKE Jason!