Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Video

Ok, here it is! We had such a fun Memorial Day...and the best part was meeting Little Christian. Enjoy!

Princess Penny and her Boyfriends

I couldn't resist posting these pictures of Pen with all of her boyfriends. Miss Penny is a lucky lady to be surrounded by all of these cuties!!!

This is Nina and her little guy, Frank, our little tough guy!!

This is Nina and Frank, and Laurie and her son Connor. Connor is the "oldest" of the boys (about a month older than the rest of our group). Does that mean Pen will date an older boy?? I guess we'll have to wait and find out...

And here is Pen with Frank, Connor, and Nicholas (Susan's son). We were eating lunch at Wendy's with our little packages in tow, and I must say, all 4 babies were very good.

Hmmm...looking back at these pictures, it looks like all we do is go out to eat!! I guess that's why we need our Wednesday walks!

Popular Penny

Penny is so lucky - not only does she have a wonderful family, she has lots and lots of friends who want to visit!!!

My friend Denise came to visit with her mom Jan (who somehow escaped the camera...), and her 2 kids Aidan and Kylin. Denise is pregnant with another girl, and is due in June. Her new baby and Penny will be only 6 months apart...so Penny will have a best friend!

And we had a visit from Sharon and Melody (my flower girl) Groben over the weekend too. Sharon's husband Rich and her 2 sons Glen and Ted helped Jason open the pool, while us ladies stayed inside and played with Pen. What a life!!

Memorial Day 2008

Happy Memorial Day!! We had a great weekend of opening the pool and visitng friends, and we capped the weekend with a BBQ and Kim and Christian's house. The best part was...we got to meet the newest member of our little "family", Christian Sean Jr!!

Our day was great - we BBQed chicken, steaks, and hot dogs (Penny had a fabulous lunch of peas and sweat potatoes). We played horseshoes and enjoyed the Oebbecke's beautiful backyard, and the awesome weather!! And we also celebrated Kim's 31st birthday with a yummy chocolate cake.

Of course we couldn't help taking pictures of Penny is her adorable sunhat. Can this little girl get any cuter???

I have way too many pictures of the day, so look for my video post with all the pictures. Here are a few highlights...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blueberry Eyes!!

When Penny was born, we called her "blueberry eyes", obviously because of her baby blue eyes! As she got older, we were convinced that her hair was turning red and her eyes were turning brown. Ok, maybe that was wishful thinking on my part, but we still thought that would be the case.

But her eyes didn't turn blue, and her hair didn't turn red. We're not convinced about her hair color just yet (it looks very dark brown like Jason's hair), but we're fairly convinced that she will have beautiful blue eyes (also like Jason). Even the doctor agrees.

Grammy was visiting last night, and she snapped a few pictures during bath time. Take a close look and you will see her beautiful blueberry eyes!!!

Oh, a side note....we weighed Penny today (she's exactly 23 weeks today) and she's a little over 16 pounds. We're DEFINITELY not worried about her slow weight gain anymore!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Big girl standing up!!!

Ok, so my 5 month old really isn't "standing up", but she is standing up against the couch! She has been doing this for several weeks now (and only had one crash landing so far!). It keeps her happy, and it keeps her busy!

I had to throw in a sitting picture too. She sits up leaning on her boppy pillow, and now is starting to sit without the boppy assistance. Big girl!!

A "Whole New World" of food...introducing solids!!

Penny wasn't quite sure what to make of the rice cereal, but she loves her sweat peas!!

5 month old photo shoot

It's hard to believe that Penny is 5 months old. Time sure does fly.

A few milestones...

- Penny can roll from her belly to her back
- She is eating rice cereal, barley cereal, and veggies
- She LOVES hearing her voice! Evey day she makes a new noise, then becomes obsessed with it. Lately it's been blowing raspberries...usually when she's eating her food (which makes a huge mess!)
- She's still on her fantastic sleeping schedule. Sleeps from about 9pm until 7:30 - 8:00 am.
- She getting really good at sitting. We still have to support her a little, but she's getting closer and closer to sitting on her own.

Penny had WAY too many cute pictures from our 5 month old photo shoot...I couldn't pick just one!!! Enjoy them!!

Penny and her Friends

Penny is the luckiest girl in the world!!!! Not only is she the cutest baby EVER, she also has loads of friends!!

All of Penny's friends were born within weeks of each other. She has lots of boyfriends (Nicholas, Frank, and Connor pictured here) and one best girl friend, Brooklyn.

I met these mom's at my Lamaze class, and some others at my Thursday Mom's Club called Baby Steps. It's great - every Wednesday we go to one of our houses, eat lunch, then go on a nice long walk. Then on Thursdays we see each other again at Baby Steps. It's great - the kids get to interact, and us moms get such much need adult time!!

Mother's Day 2008

My first Mother's Day as a mother, and Penny's first Mother's Day as a daughter!

Grammy, Grampy, Nana, Uncle Robby, Svetlana and Tamara came to visit...and the best part was, I didn't have to cook! Grampy made us yummy salmon on the grill, corn on the cob, and lots of sides and appetizers. Jason did a good job of "helping". In fact, most of the men did a great job "helping" as exemplified in the pictures below...

But at the end of the day, I had to say it was a great Mother's Day. There was nothing I wanted more than to have my wonderful family over for the day (and to have my husband wash my car like he promised...I'm still waiting for that one...)

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies out there!