Saturday, May 17, 2008

5 month old photo shoot

It's hard to believe that Penny is 5 months old. Time sure does fly.

A few milestones...

- Penny can roll from her belly to her back
- She is eating rice cereal, barley cereal, and veggies
- She LOVES hearing her voice! Evey day she makes a new noise, then becomes obsessed with it. Lately it's been blowing raspberries...usually when she's eating her food (which makes a huge mess!)
- She's still on her fantastic sleeping schedule. Sleeps from about 9pm until 7:30 - 8:00 am.
- She getting really good at sitting. We still have to support her a little, but she's getting closer and closer to sitting on her own.

Penny had WAY too many cute pictures from our 5 month old photo shoot...I couldn't pick just one!!! Enjoy them!!

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