Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Happy Memorial Day!! We had a great weekend of opening the pool and visitng friends, and we capped the weekend with a BBQ and Kim and Christian's house. The best part was...we got to meet the newest member of our little "family", Christian Sean Jr!!

Our day was great - we BBQed chicken, steaks, and hot dogs (Penny had a fabulous lunch of peas and sweat potatoes). We played horseshoes and enjoyed the Oebbecke's beautiful backyard, and the awesome weather!! And we also celebrated Kim's 31st birthday with a yummy chocolate cake.

Of course we couldn't help taking pictures of Penny is her adorable sunhat. Can this little girl get any cuter???

I have way too many pictures of the day, so look for my video post with all the pictures. Here are a few highlights...

1 comment:

Kelly -n- Smitty said...

It was a great day for all of us! Nothing I love more than hanging out with my new nephew & niece! Their cousins had a great time too, tumbling around in my belly all day! I saw their brief appearance in the video...what a big belly! Coming soon...even more babies to take a million pictures of! I only hope they will smile at me as much as Princess Penny does!