Saturday, May 17, 2008

Big girl standing up!!!

Ok, so my 5 month old really isn't "standing up", but she is standing up against the couch! She has been doing this for several weeks now (and only had one crash landing so far!). It keeps her happy, and it keeps her busy!

I had to throw in a sitting picture too. She sits up leaning on her boppy pillow, and now is starting to sit without the boppy assistance. Big girl!!


Patty said...

She gets 100% credit for standing. Standing is standing is standing! She is sitting very well too. She has the cutest little mouth and smile.

So now the fun really begins!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess! She's getting so big and so adorable! You may not want to rush that standing thing... who knows she'll be getting into all sorts of trouble... so I hear from my friends who have little ones at home. It sounds like your keeping busy and having fun. Wish you well! ~Jen & John

Kelly -n- Smitty said...

Look at my big smiley girl! She's the sweetest. Now I just have to send over the "naked time at Auntie's house" pics so you can post those too!! Kisses to my biggest girl!