Saturday, May 17, 2008

She rolled over!

Finally...our little girl decided to finally roll over all by herself!!! I'll always remember the day for 2 reasons: it was 2 days before Mother's Day, AND it was the first day her new "cousin" Christian Sean Oebbecke came home from the hospital.

Penny has been hating tummy time, so it came as a big surprise the day she decided to not only endure a few minutes of tummy time, but also to indulge mommy by rolling over all by herself. Ah, the little wonder that is Miss Penny...

1 comment:

Patty said...

Very cute video. Don't you love how they just plop over. It's so funny and adorable.

Braedyn learned to roll from back to belly first. But then he was stuck on his belly and couldn't get back, and would fuss and fuss and fuss. It was pretty funny.