Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Introducing the magical, mystical, mighty Penny... standing all on her own!!! I'll bet you never saw a 6 month old standing up all by herself balancing on a 4 inch platform. Ah, our little talented angel will be in the circus someday...see for yourself below...

Ok, now before anyone called DYFS on us...take a closer look at the picture. Can you see it? If you look closely, you will see some imprints on Penny's dress - that is Jason's hands holding her. Alas, our little girl isn't as talented as she appears in this picture. Her Uncle Smitty, however, is quite talented with photoshop!
For those of you who need me to spell it out for you...Penny is NOT standing on her own. Jason is holding her, but he was taken out of the picture with photoshop.
Would have been a nice April Fool's joke, huh? Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica,

Thank you for the laugh. The picture is great. Now you have me wanting to et photoshop for myself. Kiss the kid for me.

Aunt Bee